Hydro Mobile Transport Platform
Make | Hydro Mobile |
Model | Transport Platform |
Type | Work Platforms |
How can we help?
Intelligent and versatile.
Hydro Mobile's new access solution, the Transport Platform, offers an intelligent, cost effective complement to current systems. Any material required by a subcontractor can be easily and rapidly transported (internal framing and finishing, doors and windows, HVAC, plumbing, electrical and more, including debris removal).
A new economical and secure access platform solution for workers and material.
- High Efficiency: Two independent working unit on one mast
- Operator training provided.
- High Flexibility: Modulatory of this transport platform allows for multiple configurations
- High Capacity: Up to 4000 lb (1814 kg) load
- Easy to operate and load
- Does not require a dedicated operator
- High Power: Electric or gas powered